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Writer's pictureAmy Neilson

Why We Stray from What Makes Us Feel Amazing - The Answers

Why We Stray from What Makes Us Feel Amazing - The Answers

The Paradox of Neglecting Your Well-being: Why We Stray from What Makes Us Feel Amazing

When we know what to do, why can't we just do it?

In a world obsessed with self-improvement and well-being, it is intriguing to ponder why, despite having access to proven methods that enhance our physical and mental states, we often find ourselves drifting away from these practices.

We diligently alter our lifestyles, tweak our diets, and engage in regular exercise to achieve a better version of ourselves. Yet, when faced with challenges or distractions, we sometimes revert to old habits and comfort zones.

This article delves into the psychological and physiological factors that contribute to this phenomenon, shedding light on the intricate web of influences that can hinder our quest for lasting well-being.

For many people who take on our Body Reset Transformation Programmes, the feelings of energy, bodily changes and mental clarity can be so powerful, you simply want to keep going. But that doesn't mean you are forever immune to these factors... take a read. So, Why We Stray from What Makes Us Feel Amazing - The Answers...

The Upper Limit Problem: The Threshold of Comfort

The human mind has a tendency to establish an upper limit of what it perceives as comfort and happiness. When we start to experience a new level of good that we didn't know was possible, it can feel unfamiliar and unsettling.

This phenomenon, termed the "Upper Limit Problem" by Gay Hendricks, suggests that our subconscious mind might undermine our progress as we approach a new level of well-being. The fear of surpassing our usual comfort zone can lead to self-sabotage or a return to familiar routines that feel safer, even if they don't contribute to our well-being.

The Body Fat Set Point Theory: Leptin and Homeostasis

Our bodies are wired to maintain a state of equilibrium, which extends to factors like body weight and fat percentage. The body fat set point theory proposes that our bodies naturally strive to return to a predetermined weight range, largely influenced by the hormone leptin.

Leptin signals the brain about our energy stores and metabolic state. When we lose weight, leptin levels drop, triggering hunger and a slowed metabolism as the body attempts to regain lost weight. This phenomenon can lead us to revert to old eating patterns and regain lost weight, highlighting the internal struggle between our conscious efforts and our body's physiological responses.

Stressors and the Nervous System: Fight or Flight

Modern life is rife with stressors that activate the sympathetic nervous system's "fight or flight" response. Chronic stress can disrupt our well-being routines, leading to decreased motivation and a preference for familiar habits.

This response is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history and can override our conscious intentions to pursue healthier choices. Our bodies are wired to prioritise immediate survival over long-term well-being, making it challenging to sustain lifestyle changes during periods of prolonged stress.

Distraction and Instant Gratification: Rushing Through Life

The fast-paced nature of modern life has fostered a culture of instant gratification. Constant distractions and the pursuit of immediate rewards can deter us from committing to long-term well-being practices. The allure of quick fixes and shortcuts can overshadow the benefits of gradual, sustainable changes.

We rush from one task to another, failing to prioritise the time and effort required for consistent self-care, leading to a cycle of falling back into old habits when the going gets tough.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Perspective: Shifting the Mindset

The perception of time plays a significant role in how we approach well-being. Viewing life as short and uncertain may lead us to seek rapid results and instant relief, often overlooking the potential for enduring transformation.

Adopting a more abundant and long-term perspective can help us resist the allure of quick fixes and embrace the process of gradual change. Cultivating patience and recognising the value of sustained effort can empower us to persist in our pursuit of well-being.


How To Push Through - Remember This Article

The journey toward well-being is multifaceted and complex, influenced by psychological, physiological, and environmental factors.

Understanding why we sometimes abandon the answers that make us feel amazing involves recognising the interplay between our comfort zones, physiological set points, stress responses, distractions, and our perception of time.

By acknowledging these influences and adopting a mindful, long-term perspective, we can better navigate the challenges and setbacks that come our way, ultimately leading to a more enduring sense of well-being and fulfilment.

Our Bitesize Guides and Body Reset Transformation Programmes can provide you with the necessary frameworks and processes to overcome difficult times. They equip you with useful tools, offer reasons to keep going, and assist you in understanding why you may have faced challenges in the past.

Any questions on this topic, please do let me know.

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