Did you know... I’m not a dietitian or a personal trainer. But the significant changes you guys have made with me, often overshadow what you've been able to achieve with these professionals. Yep. In just four years in business you've achieved; significant body fat loss, lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels, reversal of chronic pain, endometriosis symptom regression, banished menopausal symptoms, reversed of perimenopausal weight gain. It has been incredibly humbling to see. It's also all been achieved for most of you, without setting foot in a gym, or undertaking specific dietary advice from a dietician.
Wait, what? Who am I, and how do I pull that off?
Personal Trainers: They are incredible, but in my experience, it’s rarely people’s lack of access to a burley bloke with a six-pack that stop them from losing weight. Personal trainers should be your guides to moving well. But they are likely not responsible for your weight loss (or lack of) alone.
Dieticians: Most people know that donuts are bad for you and that you should probably eat more fruit and veg. Dieticians are extremely skilled. But the truth is, it's how to apply their incredible knowledge and advice in a real life context that many of you struggle with. And, unless you have a medical reason, seeing a dietician privately can be expensive.
I focus on something different all together. Yes, food and movement ate huge components. But there are millions of people on the internet telling you how to eat and move differently. Why is my approach different? Well, a few ways. Including having been there myself! Let's get into the nitty gritty.

Not a dietician, or a personal trainer: Who the Hell Am I?
- Half British, half Kiwi (grew up in London)
- Survived a Performing Arts Girls' School (and the inevitable body image nightmares)
- Degree in Human Geography
- Retired Food & Drink Marketer
- Qualified in Integrative Nutrition
- Meat eater
- Coffee & wine lover
- Recovering fad dieter
- Business owner
- Oh, and mother
The Study of Human Behaviour
With a degree in Human Geography (fancy talk for how we interact with our environment), I got obsessed with the epidemiology of obesity. How’s it spreading? Spoiler: our environment is a big culprit. My dissertation focused on the psychology of consumption spaces (cafés, bars, restaurants) and how our interactions with these places impact our health.

Confessions of a Food Marketer
My career kicked off in food marketing… yep, I was part of the problem. At 22, I was covering the Head of Marketing for a ‘natural energy drink’ company. I know all too well the wild health claims companies can get away with. Sugar can have about 27 different names.
Trust me, in 2024, it’s worse than ever.

My Own Journey
It’s safe to say I’ve had a love-hate relationship with my body. I hated it in school (surrounded by skinny dancers, stuck indoors), loved it while traveling (lots of sunshine and natural outdoor movement). Then I hit university and ballooned from a Size 8 to a solid 14-16. Oops. What changed? My environment. The focus was on cheap carbs to 'fill me up' and my idea of getting Vitamin C was through pints of Vodka orange juice. I'm not kidding. If you were there, you know! Cue a decade of trying to follow mainstream dietary advice and failing spectacularly.

The Magic Turning Point
At around 27, the pieces finally started to fall into place. Thanks to my then-boyfriend and a chap named Mark Sisson, I realised I didn’t need ‘low-fat’ labeled food or daily 5km runs. I needed real food (more meat and eggs… what the hell?!), a bit of walking, and maybe lifting some weights.
I had to ditch the whole grain bread, pasta and crackers (that the government said was a good daily staple). And muffins just because they were in the café. And those peppermint mochas? Christmas special or not, they had to go. I’ve never given up alcohol, but swapped Gin & sugary tonic for Gin & soda. This all led to losing around 12kg and 15% body fat in a year.
Suddenly, I understood my food environment—and how to handle it. This is something that's hard to unlearn.
I knew deep down, I never wanted to feel that confusion again. Not knowing why my body was changing, not understanding why my clothes were getting tighter.
I suddenly knew exactly why all those these were happening and how to reverse them. And I wanted to help others gain the same clarity.

People Started to Ask
How did I do it? People wanted to know.
They started inviting me for coffee, asking for tips, and I found myself giving free consultations and casual nutrition advice.
And guess what? It worked.
Bringing It All Together
In 2017, I took the plunge and studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I chose this school for a number of reasons — mostly because it emphasised the holistic approach.
It’s rarely about a lack of gym access or not knowing donuts are bad for you. It’s more nuanced.
👉🏼It's about how stress at work can lead to a hormone cascade that has you grabbing the nearest sugary snack.
👉🏼It’s about how family duties can crowd out time for your own nourishment.
👉🏼It’s about why you ‘fall off the wagon’ after five days of green juices because you don’t understand your body’s needs.
👉🏼It’s understanding that your café mocha was more about social connection than a caffeine fix.

What We Do Now
After four years in business, beginning with 1:1 consultations and Tailored Nutrition Plans, I finally pulled together all my clinical experience into a programme. Working with over 100 1:1 clients gave me the clarity that 99% of you were making the same mistakes I did. Now, over 200 of you have been through our programme with huge success.
It would be negligent to say one programme 'solves it all' with life throwing us so many challenges, so in 2024 we have added seasonal resets and also affordable ongoing accountability training to the mix.
This is how I now work with people to help build their knowledge of nutrition and their body. Most people lose body fat and gain energy. And hearing the changes you make is exactly what keeps me going.
We dig deep into your health history, food relationships, environment, and more.
Everything you need in one toolkit, plus a recipe book and weekly planners.
To help you navigate life’s challenges that tend to knock us off course.
The Point of All This?
I can help you get leaner and have more energy.
There are loads of free articles here on my website, or you can grab one of my programmes and get the toolkit to your inbox, with just a few clicks.
And if you’re not sure where to begin and would like my help, just ask. 🫶🏼
What started as a little business in 2020 has changed the lives of over 200 people as I type. This could be the start of your story, if you want it to be.
