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Writer's pictureAmy Neilson

11 Wildly Simple Hacks to Make Your Runs Infinitely More Enjoyable

11 Wildly Simple Hacks to Make Your Runs Infinitely More Enjoyable

I went for a 12.5km run this week. It was only my third run this year, and my first since having a baby four months ago. And honestly, it was bloody epic.

Now, let me tell you, this did NOT used to be the case.

I used to HATE running. I kept at it because I thought it would make me skinny (spoiler: it didn’t). But now? Now I run for fun, for that mood boost – yes, the post-run high is REAL.

Of course, everyone’s experience with running is different, but I wanted to share what’s helped me actually start enjoying it. These are just my opinions, but I hope you find them helpful – and maybe even inspiring!

1. Fat Fuel Your Runs

Yeah, sorry, but carb loading? Not necessary for most runners (in my opinion). Learn to burn fat rather than sugar. Fat is an incredible fuel source, and if your body is used to it, you can transition between dietary fuel and body fat stores without hitting that dreaded "wall" when you run out of sugar. Save the sugar (like coconut water for me) for race day – and you’ll feel like you’ve been shot out of a rocket!

2. Fasted Running

Speaking of fuel, consider running fasted. I started my marathon fasted and fueled along the way. I was still smiling, sipping a cold beer at the finish line – and I wasn’t even that hungry!

3. Pocket to Socket

When your legs feel like lead, pump your arms from your pocket to your eye socket. It’s wild how much momentum this simple trick gives you. The boost is unreal.

4. Arms Matter

Running is all about your legs, right? Wrong. Your arms are crucial, even in distance running. No need to bulk up, but some upper body strength will help power you through.

5. Invest in Good Kit

I’ll admit, the first time I tried Lululemon, it was an online order, purely because the shop terrified me (and the prices – yikes!). But it’s some of the best gear I’ve ever worn. I still had those leggings seven years after my marathon.

6. Fun Distractions

Music, podcasts…they make all the difference. If you need a running playlist and don’t mind a few swear words, let me know! OR an epic running buddy. I love a chatter and make sure they’ll happy to go at your pace (there’s nothing worse than constantly struggling to keep up!).

7. Run for Fun, Not for Your Figure

This was a game changer for me. Bodybuilders don’t run for a reason. If anything, running can spike cortisol, causing your body to hold onto belly fat. It can also catabolize muscle and dramatically increase your appetite if you’re not mindful. So, run for fun, weight train for your figure.

8. Breathe Through Your Nose

Sounds weird, right? But nasal breathing is what we’re *meant* to do. Mouth breathing is a stress response. Unless you're doing speed training, stick to nasal breathing. It keeps your cortisol levels in check and makes your run feel more calming.

9. Pace Yourself

Start your run as if you’ll never stop. Seriously. Ask yourself, what pace could you sustain *forever*? Begin there, and you’ll build from a sustainable base.

10. Taper Hard

Even though it’s uncomfortable, taper hard before a big race. Before my marathon, I took three weeks in Bali – surfing, doing yoga, and sipping cocktails. I only ran twice the entire time. I felt so refreshed, and it made all the difference.

11. Skip the Energy Gels

Unless you’re a performance athlete, energy gels aren’t necessary. They’re expensive and full of processed sugar. Of course, if you love them, carry on! But just know that you don’t NEED them to be a successful runner.

So, what have I missed? What do you reckon?

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